Covid-19 Self-isolating Tips, CVS Couponers Are you bored Self-isolating During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Feel lost don't know what to do to keep your self healthy and busy, Stress and anxiety making you unfocused?
We have over 20 Covid-19 Self-isolating Tips & Things to do to keep yourself busy, have hope, and keep in touch with family and friends well Self-isolating During Covid-19 Pandemic.
Clean Up your house:
Take Full advantage of this time to do some much needed house cleaning. Clean, Dust, organize and disinfect everything and anything in your home.
Make a care package for your friends and family:
Grab some extra Hand sterilizer, hand soap, face masks, snacks and write a cute note, and send it to your friends or family.
Imagine sitting at home and having a surprise package appear! Or go on
Try an at-home workout:
Just because we can’t go to the gym doesn’t mean we can't exercise.
Head Over to youtube and try out a at home exercise video or yoga, Youtube has tons of exercise videos for all ages.
Play Board Games!
Turn off the Computer, Cell, Tablet, and TV and get out the board games!
Play family classic games like Sorry, Candy Land, Monopoly, Scrabble or Trouble.
Do Some Online Shopping at or Amazon.
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Listen to a podcast:
Podcasting is a free service that allows you to listen to audio programs, just like Talk Radio all focused on a particular topic or theme.
You subscribe to it on your smartphone and listen to it whenever you like.
So if you’ve been meaning to listen to one! Now’s the perfect time to do it.
Host a Virtual party with friends or family.
During Covid-19 Pandemic if you can’t go out, it doesn’t mean you can’t see your family & friends virtually.
They is tons of Apps that allow you to virtually hang out with family and friends like Zoom, Facebook Messenger, House party, Skype.
Host a trivia night, tupperware party, learning party, have a drink with an old buddy or a glass of wine with your girls.
Practice self-care For your mind:
Make a at home face mask, Take a long bubble bath, pop on a leave-in hair treatment, or crack open that bottle of fine wine you’ve been saving.
Is there anything more relaxing than a facemask, youtube offers tons tutorials and tips how to make at at home mask.
Clean out your Closet & Refresh Your wardrobe:
CVS Couponers You know those old outfits you've been holding onto forever way back in your closet, now is a good time to refresh your wardrobe, and only keep what you need.
Clean, disinfect and organize your Closet and start your wardrobe off new.
Learn a New Craft or Pick up a new hobby:
Making crafts is a great way to relieve anxiety and stress well Self-isolating.
Get crafty Go online search for do it your self crafts "DIY":
Learn how to make a Paint Sample Calendar, Flower Pot knit or crochet, Repurposed Shirts or build your own mini greenhouse, the internet and youtube has so many help craft & hobby tutorials.
Learn a New language:
I personally always wanted to learn a new language but never had the time, so i'm taking full advantage of this.
Their are tons of Apps available that will help you learn a new language in no time.
You know that list of recipes way back in the kitchen drawer you always wanted to bake or try, Now's a good time to pull it out and become a mini chef during the covid-19 self-isolation.
Beauty Crocker, Pillsbury, you-tube offer tons of Free recipe ideas and tutorials.
Can't Get Out to the Grocery Store Order online Amazon
Learn to cook something new this week!
Learn How to Coupon @ CVS Couponers:
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➧How to Coupon at CVS.
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➧CVS Covid-19 Updated Info
By the time things are back to normal after Self-isolating During Covid-19 Pandemic you will be a CVS Coupon pro.
Write a letter to your friends:
Remember when you were a kid how excited you where when you got a letter in the mailbox, cheer up someone in this tough time with this simple gesture.
Become a Handyman - Fix stuff Around the house:
Pull out that long overdue handy man list, you have the time now so get around to those tiny chores you’ve been putting off and get some work done.
Fix that broken cabinet door, fix that squeaky door, fix that broken table leg, fix your loose buttons, fix that broken drawer, the list is endless.
Check in with loved ones:
Be sure to Check in regularly with your family, friends, neighbours and colleagues.
Dealing with stress, fear and anxiety during Self-isolation is challenging, but those who experience poor mental health might find isolation particularly hard and may need some extra support.
Schedule Zoom, Facebook or FaceTime chats and find ways to take part in activities together.
Work on your Body, Mind & Soul:
Try Meditation, listen to motivational music, Stretch out, do yoga, Dance around the house, find other ways to loosen up and flex your muscles, this helps with stress and anxiety during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Work on a New Skill, or New Goal:
Try a new fitness goal or make healthy improvements in your life.
Make a Goal to start when the Covid-19 Self-isolating ends.
Take a break from cooking and support a local restaurant in your community during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Sometimes you just want a greasy burger or pizza.
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Have a Romantic Online Date with your boyfriend:
Covid-19 may take away our freedom, but it cannot take our beer, wine and dining.
Go on FaceTime, Zoom, or Facebook support a local restaurant order a surprise dinner for each-other, when it arrives turn the lights down low, and pop the cork it’s date time.
Download ‘Netflix Party’ And Alert The Group Chat:
Netflix Party lets you binge watch TV & Movies with friends or Family at a safe distance well your Self-isolating during Covid-19 Pandemic.
Join Amazon prime for FREE 30 day Trail and get free Music and create a play list to help with stress and anxiety well your Self-isolating
Youtube also has tons of free music and videos to watch.
Here is What CVS is Doing for you During the Covid-19 Pandemic:
➧CVS Health Now Offering Covid-19 Testing at select locations.
➧CVS Hires 50K + Covid-19 Bonus & Benefits
➧Can You Use ExtraBucks or Coupons Online at CVS?
➧CVS Extends Expiration Dates on Extrabucks
Remember CVS Couponers Stay strong, don't give up, we hope these 20 Covid-19 Self-isolating Tips & Things to do to will help & keep you busy in this tough time, Stay safe my friends.