Pampers & Pantene PG CVS Deal $0.59 7/5-7/11. Stack this $10/$30 Extrabuck promo with sale prices, and coupons to get them for cheap, here's how.
This week CVS Has a promotion on select P&G Products.
Receive $10.00 Extrabucks when you spend $30.00 on Pampers Diapers on sale for $9.99 each & Pantene shampoo on sale 3 for $12.00.
Use with selected coupons listed in CVS Coupon P&G Deal we provided for you below and score them for Only $0.59 each.
(CVS Couponers Deal 7/5-7/11)
CVS Couponers Deal idea:
➧FREE Fireworks - Free Pack of 6 Gold Sparklers.
►►Receive $10.00 ECB WYS/$30.00◄◄ limit 1
Pampers Easy ups – $9.99
Pantene Shampoo OR conditioner - 3/$12.00
USE $3.00/$15 Baby item CVS crt Coupon (Select CVS Couponers)
USE "TWO" $2/1 Pampers Diapers Coupon from P&G insert week of 7/5/20.
USE $2.00 Off 3 Pantene CVS Instant Coupon (ALL CVS Couponers, Scan card)
USE $5.00/3 Pantene Coupon from "P&G" insert week of 7/5/20.
USE $2.00 Off Pantene/herbal Essences CVS crt Coupon (Select CVS Couponers).
USE $3.00/$12 Hair Care CVS crt Coupon (Select CVS Couponers)
PAY OOP= $12.98
Receive $10.00 ECB
Total= $0.59 each WYB/5
➧FREE CVS Health Colorful Bandages.
Just Looking for Pampers Try this deal!
►►Receive $10.00 ECB WYS/$30.00◄◄ limit 1
Pampers Diapers – $9.99
USE $3.00/$15 Baby item CVS crt Coupon (Select CVS Couponers)
USE $2.00/$12 Baby item CVS crt Coupon (Select CVS Couponers)
ANDUSE "TWO" $2/1 Pampers Diapers Coupon from P&G insert week of 7/5/20.
ANDLOAD "ONE" $2/1 Pampers CVS APP ONLY MFR Coupon (go to CVS App)
PAY OOP= $18.97
Receive $10.00 ECB
Total= $2.99 each WYB/3
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Get More CVS Coupon P&G Deals Like This One CVS Couponers : Pampers & Pantene PG CVS Deal 7/5-7/11 *HERE*.