*HOT* Pay $0.49 for Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers at CVS! (5/27-6/2)
This week CVS has a Promotion on Cheez-It Crackers buy one get one free, use with selected Cash Back Rebate offer and pay only $0.49 per box! (CVS Deal Valid 5/27-6/2)
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*HOT* Pay $0.49 for Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers at CVS! (5/27-6/2)
Cheez-It 4.5 oz, Keebler, Nabisco cookies or crackers 2.12-6.5 oz.
Cheez-It Baked Snack Crackers-4.5oz-$1.99
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Total=$0.49 each WYB/2
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