CVS App Only Deals
How do you get or use CVS App Coupons?
CVS App Only Deals

Q: How do i get APP ONLY DEALS?
A: 1) Download app and Log in.
2) you will see several app-only deals, selected the one you want
3) Send each deal to your card
4) Head over to CVS and Shop for selected deals you choose
5) Scan your extracare card and savings will come off automatically at checkout
Q: What dose it mean when I see CVS App Only Deals in CVS ad?
A: CVS is now offering exclusive app-only deals. You will see a APP Only Deal symbol in the promotion offered in Ad, meaning you can only get this deal if you have the APP.

Download CVS App and Receive $3.00 Extarcare Bucks to Start!

Q: How to Download the CVS app on my smartphone?
A: Search for CVS in the APP store and link your extracare card.
Q: Can I stack a manufacture Coupons with APP Only deals?
A: Yes, you can stack these offers with manufacturer coupons to save even more!

Coupon Scenario Example;
Buy 1
Tides Pods (sale) $4.00
Print $2.00/1 Tide pod coupon 14ct + *HERE* (PRINT out the manufacturer coupon)
Use $0.50/1 Tide Pod CVS App Coupon (LOAD CVS coupons to card from cvs app)
TIP: Print your manufacturer Coupons and load CVS Store Coupons to App, this way all coupons will input correctly.
✋Members have reported their manufacturer coupons where not detecting thru the CVS APP.
Stay connected with other CVS Couponers:
Never miss out on a good deal again, find a coupon buddy in your area, make friends coupon and save!
1: Join us in the CVS Couponers Group on Facebook:
2: LIKE Our CVS Couponer page for the latest CVS deals & Page Contests:

3:Subscribe to CVS Couponers for a FREE CVS Deals
Never miss out on a good deal again, find a coupon buddy in your area, make friends coupon and save!
1: Join us in the CVS Couponers Group on Facebook:
2: LIKE Our CVS Couponer page for the latest CVS deals & Page Contests:
3:Subscribe to CVS Couponers for a FREE CVS Deals
CVS Quick Coupon Tips:
CVS allows you to use the following coupons per product
- One manufacturer coupon
- One CVS store coupon
- CVS Extrabucks (ECB)(EBs) from previous visit
★Pay attention to Extrabucks limits in CVS Ads, You dont want to end up over paying.
★Extrabucks rewards printed at the end of your cash register receipt are to be used on your next purchase.
★Don't forget if CVS does not have your item in stock, You can ask for a rain checks which includes the Extrabucks offers.
★ECB Promotions (excludes trial/travel and clearance )
★you can only print 2 coupons per computer from coupons. com, you will need more than one device, or use a friend only family members computer to print more, You can also print from the library
★Unilever coupons have a limit of 2, you will need to do those deals in more than one shopping trip (register will keep track of our total)
- ECB= Extra Care Bucks
- WYB= when you buy
- WYS= when you spend