*HOT* Fructis Shampoo or Conditioner Only $1.00 at CVS! (6/3-6/9)
Hurry Score Fructis Shampoo or Conditioner for Only $1.00 this Week at CVS! Fructis Shampoo or Conditioner is on sale for 2/$7.00, use with manufacture coupon and CVS Coupon and score them for only $1.00 (CVS Deal Valid 6/3-6/9)
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*HOT* Fructis Shampoo or Conditioner Only $1.00 at CVS! (6/3-6/9)
Fructis shampoo, conditioner 12-12.5 oz, leave-in 10.2 oz, treatment cup 3.4 oz or Select stylers $3.79 ea. or 2/$7
USE $2/2 Garnier Fructis CVS Instant Coupon from the Extra Care Coupon Center (all shoppers, limit 1)
USE $3/2 Garnier Fructis Shampoo, Conditioner, treatment or style exc. 2oz, 2.9oz & 3oz ETS (Limit 2), 6/3 SS, exp. 06/16/2018
Total= $1.00 each WYB/2

Fructis shampoo, conditioner 12-12.5 oz, leave-in 10.2 oz, treatment cup 3.4 oz or Select stylers $3.79 ea. or 2/$7
USE $2/2 Garnier Fructis CVS Instant Coupon from the Extra Care Coupon Center (all shoppers, limit 1)
USE $3/2 Garnier Fructis Shampoo, Conditioner, treatment or style exc. 2oz, 2.9oz & 3oz ETS (Limit 2), 6/3 SS, exp. 06/16/2018
Total= $1.00 each WYB/2
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MORE CVS Coupon Deals! (6/3-6/9)