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CVS Coupon Deals $2.00 & Under! (7/2-7/8)
►►3 DAY SALE ONLY 7/2-7/4◄◄

Pepsi, Dr Pepper, 7UP, A&W, Canada Dry or Sunkist 2 liter bottle (limit 3) - $0.79
►Sale Price: $0.99 AFTER Tuesday
Just The Basics purified water 24 pk. 16.9 oz bottles. - $1.99
Buy 1
Just the Basics Bottled Water 24 pack – $1.99 (sale price)
Use(1) $1.00 off bottled water CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Total=$0.99 or just $0.04 per bottle
►Sale Price: $2.77 AFTER Tuesday
►►3 DAY SALE ONLY 7/2-7/4◄◄

Pepsi, Dr Pepper, 7UP, A&W, Canada Dry or Sunkist 2 liter bottle (limit 3) - $0.79
►Sale Price: $0.99 AFTER Tuesday

Just The Basics purified water 24 pk. 16.9 oz bottles. - $1.99
Buy 1
Just the Basics Bottled Water 24 pack – $1.99 (sale price)
Use(1) $1.00 off bottled water CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Total=$0.99 or just $0.04 per bottle
►Sale Price: $2.77 AFTER Tuesday
►►Receive $3.00 ECB WYB/1◄◄ limit 2
Oral-B toothbrush 2 pk.
Buy 1
Oral B Indicator Contour Clean toothbrush 2 pk – $4.99
Use (1) $1.00 off Crest, Scope, Oral B toothbrush or mouthwash CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Use (1) $1/1 Oral-B Adult or Kids Manual Toothbrush excluding Healthy Clean and Cavity defense, 7/2 PG, exp. 07/15/2017
Pay: $2.99
Receive $3.00 ECB
Total= FREE

►►Receive $1.00 ECB WYB/1◄◄ limit 2
Colgate Max 6 oz, Total 4-4.2 oz or 2in1 4.6 oz. - $2.99
Buy 2
Colgate Total Advanced toothpaste 4 – 4.2 oz. – $2.99 ea. (sale price)
Use (1) $2.00 off toothpaste, choose any brand CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Use (2) $2/1 Colgate Optic White, Total Advanced, Enamel Health or Sensitive Toothpaste 3oz+, 6/25 SS, exp. 07/08/2017
Pay: $0.00
Receive $1.00 ECB x 2 =$2.00 ECB
Total=FREE + $2.00 Money Maker!

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►►Receive $3.00 ECB WYB/1◄◄ limit 2
Scope 1 liter - $4.79
Crest Scope 1 Liter – $4.79
Use (1) $1.00 off Crest, Scope, Oral B toothbrush or mouthwash CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Use (1) $1/1 Crest Mouthwash 473ml/16oz+, 7/2 PG, exp. 07/15/2017
Pay: $2.79
Receive $3.00 ECB
Total=FREE + $0.21 Money Maker!

More Coupons you may like to print!

►►Receive $1.00 ECB WYB/3◄◄ limit 1
Hershey’s or Nestle singles 1.8-2.1 oz. 3/$3.00
Milka Oreo Candy Bar singles – 3/$3.00
Use (3) $0.55/1 Milka Oreo Candy Bar or snack mix 1.44oz+, 6/18 SS (R), exp. 08/06/2017
Pay: $1.35
Receive $1.00 ECB
Submit for (3) $0.45/1 MILKA OREO Chocolate Candy Bars, 1.44 oz. size only. (Various Stores), Ibotta Rebate *HERE* (limit 3)
Total= FREE + $1.00 Money Maker!
More offers you may like to print!

Puffs 48-56 ct. - $0.99
Use $0.50/1 Puffs Facial Tissues including Multi-packs excluding to go singles, 7/2 PG, exp. 07/29/2017
OR Print $0.25/1 Puffs Product Coupon *HERE*
Submit for $0.75/1 Puffs Facial Tissue any variety ets, Checkout51 Rebate *HERE*
Total=FREE + $0.26 Money Maker!
More Coupons you may like to print!

►►Receive $3.00 ECB WYB/2◄◄ limit 1
Irish Spring body wash 15-18 oz or bar soap 6 pk. $4.29 ea. or 2/$8
Irish Spring Body Wash – 2/$8.00
Use (1) $2/$6 any body wash or bar soap CVS coupon, select shoppers
Print (2) $0.75/1 Irish Spring for Men Body Wash Coupon *HERE*
Pay: $4.50
Receive $3.00 ECB
Total= $0.75 each WYB/2
►►BOGO 50% OFF◄◄
►►Receive $5.00 ECB WYS/$15.00◄◄ limit 1
ANY Schick razors or refills (excludes disposables)
Schick Intuition Trial Pack – psa $9.99
(pay $4.99 for second one @ 50% off)
Use (1) $3/$12 Schick Men’s or Women’s Razor, CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Use(2) $3/1 Schick Intuition or Quattro for women Razor or refill excluding Disposables 6/18 SS, exp. 07/09/2017
Pay: $5.98
Receive $5.00 ECB
Total= $0.49 each WYB/2
New Coupons PRINT NOW!

►►Receive $6.00 ECB WYB/2◄◄ limit 1
Select Gillette razors 1 ct. or refills 4-12 ct. Must buy both razor AND refill
Venus Original Razor 1 ct. & refill – $8.99 ea.
Use(1) $3.00 off Gillette or Venus Razor or refill 4 ct. + CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Use (2) $3/1 Gillette/Venus Razor 1ct+ excluding Disposables, 7/2 PG, exp. 07/29/2017
Pay: $8.98
Receive $6.00 ECB
Total= $1.49 each WYB/2
New Coupons PRINT NOW!

►►Receive $6.00 ECB WYB/2◄◄ limit 1
ANY Neutrogena cosmetics
You must do this deal in 2 transactions:
Transaction #2:
Neutrogena MoistureShine Lip Soother – psa $7.99
Use (1) $2/$8 Cosmetics purchase CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Print (1) $2.50/1 Neutrogena Cosmetics Lip or Eye product Coupon *HERE*
Pay: $3.49
Transaction #2:
Buy 1
Neutrogena MoistureShine Lip Soother – psa $7.99
Print (1) $2.50/1 Neutrogena Cosmetics Lip or Eye product Coupon *HERE*
Pay: $5.49
Receive $6.00 ECB
Total= $1.49 each WYB/2

►►Receive $10.00 ECB WYS/$30.00◄◄ limit 1
- Select Tampax tampons, Always Radiant pads, liners or Infinity Pads - $3.99
- Crest 3D White toothpaste 2.5- 6.4 oz, Pro-Health or Stages toothpaste 3.7-7 oz (excludes multipacks) BOGO 50%
- Bounty 12 roll or Charmin 16 roll. - $9.99
- ANY Jumbo pk. Pampers or Spashers 21-24 ct. $10.99 ea. or 2/$20
- Pampers wipes 168- 192 ct. BOGO 50%
- Dawn 8-9 oz. - $0.99
- Puffs 48-56 ct. - $0.99
- Pantene shampoo, conditioner 12-12.6 oz or select treatments $4.49 ea. or 3/$12
- Select Tide 37-50 oz, Tide Pods, Gain Flings 12-16 or Gain50 oz. - $5.44
**DEAL #1**
►►Receive $10.00 ECB WYS/$30.00◄◄ limit 1
Buy 2
Tampax Pearl 18 ct. or Tampax Radiant 16 Ct. tampons – $3.99 ea. (sale price)
Buy 2
Always Radiant or Always Infinity 12 – 16 ct. – $3.99 ea. (sale price)
Buy 2
Tide Pods 12 – 16 ct. – $5.44 ea. (sale price)
Buy 3
Puffs – $0.99 ea. (sale price)
Subtotal: $29.81 (98% rule)
Use (1) $2/$8 Tampons, Pads or Liners CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Use (1) $1.00 off Facial Tissues CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Use (1) $2.00 off Laundry or Fabric Care, CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Use (2) $2/1 Tampax Pearl or Radiant tampons 16ct+, 7/2 PG, exp. 07/15/2017
Use(2) $2/1 Always Radiant or Infinity pads 11ct+, 7/2 PG, exp. 07/15/2017
Use(2) $3/1 Tide Pods or Gain Flings ETS, 7/2 PG (R), Exp. 7/15/2017
Use (2) $0.50/1 Puffs Facial Tissues including Multi-packs excluding to go singles, 7/2 PG, exp. 07/29/2017
Pay: $9.82
Receive $10.00 ECB
Submit for $0.25/1 Tide pod ibotta rebate*HERE*
Total=FREE + $0.44 money maker

**DEAL #2**
►►Receive $10.00 ECB WYS/$30.00◄◄ limit 1
Select Tide 37-50 oz, - $5.44
Tide Pods,- $5.44
Gain Flings 12-16 or - $5.44
Gain50 oz. - $5.44
Use (1) $2.00 off Laundry or Fabric Care, CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Use (4)$3/1 Tide Pods or Gain Flings ETS, 7/2 PG (R), Exp. 7/15/2017
Use (2)$2/1 Tide or Gain Laundry Detergent ETS, 7/2 PG (R), exp. 7/15/2017
Receive $10.00 ECB
Submit for $0.25/1 Gain flings detergent ibotta rebate*HERE*
Submit for $0.25/1 Tide pod ibotta rebate*HERE*
Submit for $0.25/1 Gain laundry detergent ibotta rebate*HERE*
Submit for $0.25/1 Tide laundry detergent ibotta rebate*HERE*
Total=$0.61 each WYB/all/6

**DEAL #3**
►►Receive $10.00 ECB WYS/$30.00◄◄ limit 1
Buy 2
Pampers Splashers – 2/$20
Buy 3
Pantene Shampoo or Conditioners – 3/$12
Subtotal: $32.00
Use(1) $2/3 CVS Instant Coupon from the ExtraCare Coupon Center (all customers, limit 1)
Use (1) $3/$20 Diapers, Wipes, Toiletries CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Print $5.00/3 Pantene Coupon *HERE*
OR Use (1) $5/3 Pantene products (Must include shampoo, conditioner, or styler) ets, 7/2 PG (R), expires 7/15/2017
Use (2) $2/1 Pampers Splashers Swim diapers, 7/2 PG, exp. 07/15/2017
Pay: $18.00
Receive $10.00 ECB
Submit for $2/1 Pampers Splashers for any variety Ibotta Rebate *HERE*
Submit for:(2) $0.50/1 Pampers Splashers diapers any variety, Checkout51 Rebate *HERE*
Total= $1.00 each WYB/5

More NEW coupons!

**DEAL #4**
►►Receive $10.00 ECB WYS/$30.00◄◄ limit 1
Bounty 12 roll or Charmin 16 roll. - $9.99
Print(3) $1.00/1 Bounty Coupon *HERE*
OR Print(3) $1.00/1 CharminCoupon *HERE*
Receive $10.00 ECB
Total=$5.66 each WYB/3

HOT NEW High Value Coupon PRINT NOW!

►►Receive $10.00 ECB WYS/$30.00◄◄ limit 1
- Head & Shoulders 12.8-14.2 oz (excludes clinical strength) $6.49 ea. or 2/$12
- Olay Total Effects facial care (excludes kits and treatments) - $22.99
- Select Olay Regenerist, Premium or Eyes - $24.99
**DEAL #1**
►Receive $10.00 ECB WYS/$30.00◄◄ limit 1
Head & Shoulders 12.8-14.2 oz (excludes clinical strength) $6.49 ea. or 2/$12
Use (3)$5/2 Head & Shoulders Products 380 mL/12.8 oz or larger OR Clinical solutions (excludes trial and travel size), 7/2 PG (R), exp. 7/15/2017
Receive $10.00 ECB
Total=$1.84 each WYB/6
►►BOGO 50% OFF◄◄
all WET N WILD cosmetics
Wet n Wild Wild Shine Nail Color-$1.49
Wet n Wild Silk Finish Lipstick-$1.49(pay $0.75 for second one 50% off)
Total= $1.12 each WYB/2
►►BOGO 50% OFF◄◄
ALL Beauty 360 or CVS personal cleansing (excludes trial/travel sizes)
Beauty 360 Cleansing Makeup Remover Towelettes-$2.99(pay $1.50 for second one 50% off)
Total=$2.25 each WYB/2
Clairol Nice ‘n Easy, Root Touch- Up or Natural Instincts hair color $7.49 ea. or 2/$14 - $6.99
Clairol Nice N Easy hair color – 2/$14 (sale price, mb2)
Use (1) $2.00 off any Hair Color CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Use (1) $5/2 Clairol Hair Color boxes excluding Age Defy, Balsam, Textures & Tones and trial, 6/25 RP, exp. 07/08/2017
Pay: $7.00
Submit for: $2.50/2 Clairol Nice Easy Hair Color. Buy 2 of any variety, any size. (Various Stores), Ibotta Rebate *HERE*
Total=$2.25 each WYB/2

►►Receive $5.00 ECB WYS/$10.00◄◄ limit 2
Listerine, Reach or Select Listerine floss
Listerine Cool Mint Floss 55 yards – psa $3.79 ea.
Print (3) $1/1 LISTERINE Floss or Flosser Product Coupon *HERE*
Pay: $8.37
Receive $5.00 ECB
Total= $1.12 each WYB/3

►►Receive $2.00 ECB WYB/1◄◄ limit 2
Crest 3D White mouthwash 16 oz, Pro-Health mouthwash 16- 16.9 or 33.8 oz. - $4.99
Buy 1
Crest 3D White or ProHealth mouthwash – $4.99 (sale price)
Use(1) $1.00 off mouthwash, choose any brand CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Use (1) $1/1 Crest Mouthwash 473ml/16oz+, 7/2 PG, exp. 07/15/2017
Pay: $2.99
Receive $2.00 ECB
Total= $0.99

►►BOGO 50% OFF◄◄
CVS Health baby items
CVS Health Baby Oil-$3.99(pay $2.00 for second one @ 50% off)
Total=$3.00 each WYB/2
►►Receive $10.00 ECB WYB/2◄◄ limit 1
Radiance Platinum Vitamins
Buy 2
Radiance Platinum Vitamin C Tablets 1000mg, 60 ct. – psa $6.99 ea.
Use(1) $3/$15 Vitamins, CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Pay: $10.98
Receive $10.00 ECB
Total=$0.49 each WYB/2
►►Receive $1.00 ECB WYB/3◄◄ limit 1
Select Kleenex facial tissues $1.99 ea. or 3/$5
Kleenex Facial Tissues – 3/$5 (sale price, mb3)
Use (1) $1/$3 facial tissues CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Print(1) $0.75/3 KLEENEX Facial Tissue THREE (3) boxes/packs or ONE (1) Bundle Pack Coupon *HERE*
Pay: $3.25
Receive $1.00 ECB
Total= $0.75 each WYB/3
More Offers you may like

General Mills cereal 11.1-13.1 oz or Nature Valley bars 5-12 ct. (excludes Fiber One cereal and protein bars - $2.49
Buy 1
Very Berry Cheerios – $2.49 (sale price)
Use(1) $1.00 off Cheerios 11.1 – 13.1 oz. CVS coupon (select shoppers)
Use(1) $1/1 General Mills Cheerios Very Berry Box, 6/25 SS, exp. 08/05/2017
Total= $0.49

Arizona tea 1 gallon, Apple or 3.29 ea. & Eve, V8 juice 46- 64 oz or Gatorade 4pk. 20 oz. $3.29 ea. or 2/$5
Print $1/2 Apple & Eve 64 oz bottles or 8 pack juice boxes Coupon *HERE*
Submit for $1/1 Apple & Eve Bottled Juice 33.8 oz bottle or larger, any variety., Checkout51 Rebate *HERE*
Total=$1.50 each WYB/2
►►BOGO 50% OFF◄◄
Ice Breakers Ice Cubes gum 40 ct. or Tic Tac 200 ct.
Tic Tac Mints Fruit Adventure, 200CT-$3.89(pay $1.95 for second one 50% off)
Print(2)$0.75/1 Tic Tac mints or Tic Tac Mixers single pack (200ct)Coupon *HERE*
Total= $2.17 each WYB/2

Chex Mix, Gardetto’s 5.5-8.75 oz, Cheez-It 6-7 oz or Combos 6.3 oz. $2.29 ea. or 2/$4
Use$0.50/2 General Mills 3.7oz+ Chex Mix Regular, Muddy Buddies or Popped or Bugles Corn Snacks or Gardettos snack mix, 6/4 SS, exp. 07/29/2017
Total= $1.75 each WYB/2
New Coupon

Hershey’s Cookie Layer Crunch 6.3 oz, Brookside pouches 5-7 oz or Hershey’s pouches 6.3-10.5 oz. - $3.79
Use$2/1 CVS Instant Coupon from the ExtraCare Coupon Center (all shoppers, limit 1)
CVS Perks!
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Register your ExtraCare card for the CVS Beauty Club (it's free!) and enjoy a $5 ExtraBucks bonus for every $50 you spend on beauty products.
Earn $5 ExtraBucks when you link your card
If you haven't downloaded the CVS app yet, download it. When you link your ExtraCare card for the first time, you'll get a $5 ExtraBuck reward
CVS Quick Coupon Tips:
CVS allows you to use the following coupons per product
- One manufacturer coupon
- One CVS store coupon
- CVS Extrabucks (ECB)(EBs) from previous visit
★Pay attention to Extrabucks limits in CVS Ads, You dont want to end up over paying.
★Extrabucks rewards printed at the end of your cash register receipt are to be used on your next purchase.
★Don't forget if CVS does not have your item in stock, You can ask for a rain checks which includes the Extrabucks offers.
★ECB Promotions (excludes trial/travel and clearance )
★you can only print 2 coupons per computer from coupons. com, you will need more than one device, or use a friend only family members computer to print more, You can also print from the library
★Unilever coupons have a limit of 2, you will need to do those deals in more than one shopping trip (register will keep track of our total)
- ECB= Extra Care Bucks
- WYB= when you buy
- WYS= when you spend
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